above is a few panels from my inks on authority#8 with the awesome simon coleby penciling. at the same time i've been inking invincible and toning and coloring walking dead covers and inking a few other things on the side. so sorry about not posting anything for a few months.
Hello Mr. Rathburn
I want to be in this industry as an artist like you. Here are a few questions.
1. When you do pencils alone for a project, do you use a light box to clean up your line work? How common is a light box used to create clean work.
2. What is the time span to complete one page? What should I train my self realistically?
3. Did you go to art school? Or were you self-taught?
I ask this because I am a real fan of your work and it gives me something to aspire to.
Thank you.
Hey Cliff, how do we get intouch with you, your email link doesn't seem to work? I'd like to know if it's possible for me to buy any of your art or where it might be available from. Thank Pete
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